ASP.NET MVC Framework - Demo App by Scott Guthrie


Scott Guthrie is going to present a demo application using the ASP.NET MVC Framework.

First episode is here:

Very interesting. I can already see four things that my current VS2005/MonoRail/AspView/IIS5-6 stack lack.

Sounds bad?


So - all the downsides are taken care of.

Plus, the stack I use is being used in production environment by gazillion people (ok, AspView is not that common, but the ViewEngine is just 5% of the whole stack, and it’s the rock solid part anyway). It is working with .NET 2.0 so I need not convince clients to go for installing .NET 3/3.5 on their shared hosting solution, and since it’s open-source, I can tweak stuff for my needs without the need to wait for a hotfix/ServicePack that might never appear, if not too late.

And if I’m not enough of a jerk for ranting like that, I’m going to try (if I’d have enough time) to put up a sample application using MonoRail/AspView similar to Scott’s, but this time, you would actually be able get the bits and run it on your machines.

Stay tuned.

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